R2334-184 Poem: “The Light Of The Word”

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::R2334 : page 184::


“The light of the Word shines brighter and brighter,
As wider and wider God opens my eyes;
My trials and burdens seem lighter and lighter,
And fairer and fairer the heavenly prize.

“The wealth of this world seems poorer and poorer,
And farther and farther it fades from my sight;
The prize of my calling seems surer and surer,
As straighter and straighter I walk in the light.

“My waiting on Jesus is dearer and dearer,
As longer and longer I lie on his breast;
Without him I’m nothing seems clearer and clearer,
And more and more sweetly in Jesus I rest.

“My joy in my Savior is growing and growing,
As stronger and stronger I trust in his Word;
My peace like a river is flowing and flowing,
As harder and harder I lean on the Lord.

“My praise and thanksgiving are swelling and swelling,
As broader and broader the promises prove;
The wonderful story I’m telling and telling,
And more and more sweetly I rest in his love.”


— June 15, 1898 —